Provisional Awards

San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA, March 25, 2011

Den. Mousemee 'Rita'
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Denrobium Mousemee 'Rita' CCM/AOS 87 pts.
(furcatum x thyrsiflorum)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 5.3 cm Vertical: 4.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 1.5 cm Length: 3.2 cm
Petal Width: 2.3 cm Length: 3.3 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.9 cm Length: 2.6 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.4 cm Length: 3.1 cm

Description: Approximately four hundred fifty-five flowers on thirteen inflorescences and three immature inflorescences with tight buds; 100 cm diameter plant grown in a 25 cm clay pot; canes 30 cm to 70 cm tall; flower base color cream, sepals and petals flushed pink distally; lip gold-yellow on basal 3/4's, margin fimbriated pink; substance medium; texture crystalline; plant very clean, inflorescences well bloomed and presented.
Exhibitor: Ron Dier
Den. falcorostrum ‘lise’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Dendrobium falcorostrum 'Lise' CHM/AOS 86 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 4.3 cm Vertical: 4.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 0.8 cm Length: 2.3 cm
Petal Width: 0.6 cm Length: 2.4 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 0.9 cm Length: 2.6 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 1.0 cm Length: 1.8 cm

Description: Four hundred sixty-eight flowers and seventy two buds on forty inflorescences; flower base color cream; lip side lobes marked in narrow, irregular, vertical purple bars, keel bright yellow; column spotted red basally; substance firm; texture crystalline; fragrance pleasantly spicy; recognized for flower presentation, usefulness in breading and fragrance. Den. falcorostrum, award 2011477, has been confirmed to be Dendrobium falcorostrum by SITF (April 2011) .
Exhibitor: Jim Wright
Cym. Splatters ‘Flamenco’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Cymbidium Splatters 'Flamenco' HCC/AOS 77 pts.
(Robin x Tethys)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 9.3 cm Vertical: 7.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.7 cm Length: 5.7 cm
Petal Width: 2.7 cm Length: 5.3 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.3 cm Length: 5.7 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.5 cm Length: 3.4 cm

Description: Eighty-three well arranged flowers on five arched inflorescences; flower base color cream; sepals and petals overlaid rose, spotted burgundy randomly, heavier apically; lip overlaid dark maroon, two white spots centrally; substance soft; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Dave & Judy Smith
Blc. (Rth.) Laughing Boy ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Rhyncattleanthe Laughing Boy 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM/AOS 81 pts.
(Lc.(Ctt.) Denis Olivas x Blc. (Rth.) Love Sound)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 8.6 cm Vertical: 9.8 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.6 cm Length: 4.6 cm
Petal Width: 1.1 cm Length: 4.9 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.9 cm Length: 5.0 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 1.8 cm Length: 3.6 cm

Description: Thirteen flowers on one tall inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow overlaid carmine red; lip yellow basally, heavily banded dark carmine red; substance heavy; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke
Paph. Mount Toro ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Mount Toro 'Sunset Valley Orchids' AM/AOS 80 pts.
(stoneii x phillippense)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 9.7 cm Vertical: 23.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 5.5 cm Length: 5.6 cm
Petal Width: 0.8 cm Length: 21.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 4.4 cm Length: 5.3 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.3 cm Length: 5.0 cm

Description: Five flowers on one well presented upright inflorescence; sepals cream, striated dark chestnut brown; petals light green, distinct chestnut striations become darker distally; pouch light yellow-green overlaid light chestnut, veined chestnut; staminode yellow, margins pubescent chestnut; substance firm; texture satin
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke
Cym. Moondog Memory ‘Tiny Bubbles’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Cymbidium Moondog Memory 'Tiny Bubbles' AM/AOS 81 pts.
(Tethys x Olive Street)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 6.4 cm Vertical: 7.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.4 cm Length: 5.0 cm
Petal Width: 1.7 cm Length: 4.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.6 cm Length: 5.0 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.2 cm Length: 3.5 cm

Description: Sixty-seven exceptionally arranged flowers, nine buds on four pendulous inflorescences; sepals and petals light yellow-green blushed light brown, heavily spotted deep maroon; petal mid-lines deep maroon; lip light yellow, prominently spotted and blotched deep burgundy, increasing in size distally; column light yellow-green, heavily spotted on ventral surface; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Lea Openiano
Phal. San Jacinto Rose '#2'
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Phalaenopsis San Jacinto Rose '#2' HCC/AOS 75 pts.
(Salu's Red Rose x Brother Purple)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 6.7 cm Vertical: 6.6 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.9 cm Length: 4.2 cm
Petal Width: 2.9 cm Length: 3.4 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 3.5 cm Length: 4.0 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 1.4 cm Length: 2.3 cm

Description: Twenty-four well displayed flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals iridescent magenta; lip dark magenta; column white, suffused magenta; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Glenn F. Stall
Lctna. Just Because ‘Lea’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Guaricattonia Just Because 'Lea' AM/AOS 81 pts.
(Lc.(Ctt.) Denis Olivas x Blc. (Rth.) Love Sound)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 6.9 cm Vertical: 7.2 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 1.9 cm Length: 4.2 cm
Petal Width: 3.8 cm Length: 3.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.9 cm Length: 5.4 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 3.1 cm Length: 4.1 cm

Description: Thirteen flowers on one tall inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow overlaid carmine red; lip yellow basally, heavily banded dark carmine red; substance heavy; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke
C. Walkerinter ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Cattleya Walkerinter 'Sunset Valley Orchids' HCC/AOS 75 pts.
(intermedia x walkeriana)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 10.4 cm Vertical: 9.3 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.7 cm Length: 5.6 cm
Petal Width: 4.9 cm Length: 4.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.5 cm Length: 5.5 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 3.2 cm Length: 5.0 cm

Description: Five flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals rose; petals splashed magenta, margins cream; lip cream, mid lobe overlaid magenta distally, side lobes overlaid rose; column rose; substance firm, texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke
Z. Kiwi Korker ‘Klassy’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Zygopetalum Kiwi Korker 'Klassy' AM/AOS 83 pts.
(Kiwi x Kiwi Klassic)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 8.8 cm Vertical: 9.2 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 2.0 cm Length: 4.2 cm
Petal Width: 2.2 cm Length: 3.8 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.3 cm Length: 4.5 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 5.3 cm Length: 4.7 cm

Description: Twenty flowers and nine buds on five inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow-green, blotched dark red brown horizontally; lip white overlaid intermittingly purple, veins dark purple; column cream, overlaid dark red brown dorsally; anther cap cream; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Casa de las Orquideas
Zba. Misty ‘Lena's Magic Moon’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Zygopabstia Misty 'Lena's Magic Moon' AM/AOS 80 pts.
(Z. New Era x Zba. Leopardinus)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 6.2 cm Vertical: 5.5 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 1.9 cm Length: 3.7 cm
Petal Width: 2.0 cm Length: 3.6 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 2.1 cm Length: 4.0 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 3.8 cm Length: 2.8 cm

Description: Five charming flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals rich yellow-green, heavily barred and blotched red brown; lip velvety purple; column cream overlaid purple, anther cap translucent showing pollinia, substance very firm; texture glossy and very evenly toned.
Exhibitor: Lena Shiroma
Masd. xanthina ‘Windflower’
© Arthur Pinkers 2011
Plant Name: Masdevallia xanthina 'Windflower' AM/AOS 82 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 11.5 cm Vertical: 10.5 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 1.0 cm Length: 6.5 cm
Petal Width: 0.2 cm Length: 0.2 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.3 cm Length: 6.3 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 0.5 cm Length: 0.7 cm

Description: Three flowers on three prostrate inflorescences; flower base color pale yellow; dorsal sepal overlaid coral-orange on distal three-fourths, lateral sepals overlaid coral-orange shading to ivory distally, with contrasting orange-yellow veins, caudae yellow, held erect; petals minute, lip orange-yellow; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Betty Kelepecz